Lexmark - 10N0016

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Refill Instructions Lexmark 10N0016 No 16 Or d er your Refill PACKS at w w w T efil 14 com LexmarkAII in One X72 X74 X75 XTI30 X1150 X1180 X225 Color Jetprinter Z13 Z23 Z25 Z33 Z34 Z35 Z515 Z601 Z605 Z615 Items Required Original Lexmark 16 Cartridge Syringe amp FilliTi e Black Ink 10ml Instructions 1 Assemble syringe and steel filling tube and fill w appropriate colour inl lt g 2 2 Remove the top from the black ink bottle and usi the syringe remove 10ml of black ii lt 3 3 The filler hole is located on top of the cartridge g 4 4 Insert the steel filling tube into the appropriate fi holes g 5 Push down into centre of the sponge IMPORTANT Cartridge contains a sponge and a slight resistant may be fe ...