Cypress - CY14B256K
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CY14B256K PERFORM 256 Kbit 32K x 8 nvSRAM with Real Time Clock Features 25 ns 35 ns and 45 ns access times Pin compatibie with STK17T88 Data integrity of Cypress nvSRAM combined with fuii featured Reai Time Ciock Low power 350 nA RTC current Capacitor or battery backup for RTC Watchdog timer Ciock aiarm with programmabie interrupts Hands off automatic STORE on power down with only a smail capacitor STORE to QuantumTrap initiated by software device pin or on power down RECALL to SRAM initiated by software or on power up Infinite READ WRITE and RECALL cycles High reiiabiiity Endurance to 200K cycies Data retention 20 years at 55 C Singie 3V operation with toierance of 20 ...