Cypress - CY7C037AV

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r C Y7C027V 027VN 027AV 028V CYPRESS CY7C037V 037AV 038V 3 3V 32K 64K x 16 18 Dual Port Static RAM Features True Dual Ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location 32K x 16 organization CY7C027V 027VN 027AV I 1 64K x 16 organization CY7C028V 32K x 18 organization CY7C037V 037AVI 2 64K x 18 organization CY7C038V 0 35 micron CMOS for optimum speed and power High speed access 15 20 and 25 ns Low operating power Active l C c 115 mA typical Standby l SB3 10 pA typical Fully asynchronous operation Automatic power down Expandable data bus to 32 36 bits or more using Master Slave chip select when using more than one device On chip arbitration logic Sem ...