Cypress - CY7C1217H

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CY7C1217H y CYPRESS PERFORM 1 Mbit 32K x 36 Flow Through Sync SRAM Features 32K x 36 common I O 3 3V core power supply V DD 2 5V 3 3V I O power supply V DDQ Fast clock to output times 6 5 ns for 133 MHz version Provide high performance 2 1 1 1 access rate User selectable burst counter supporting Intel Pentium interleaved or linear burst sequences Separate processor and controller address strobes Synchronous self timed write Asynchronous output enable Available in JEDEC standard lead free 100 Pin TQFP package ZZ Sleep Mode option Functional Description The CY7C1217H is a 32K x 36 synchronous cache RAM designed to interface with high speed microprocessors with minimum glue ...