Cypress - CY7C1145V18
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E3C CY7C1141VI8 CY7C1156V18 CYPRESS _ CY7C1143V18 CY7C1145V18 18 Mbit QDR II SRAM 4 Word Burst Architecture 2 0 Cycle Read Latency Features Separate Independent read and write data ports Supports concurrent transactions 300 MHz to 375 MHz clock for high bandwidth 4 Word Burst for reducing address bus frequency Double Data Rate DDR interfaces on both read and write ports data transferred at 750 MHz at 375 MHz Read latency of 2 0 clock cycles Two input clocks K and K for precise DDR timing SRAM uses rising edges only Echo clocks CQ and CQ simplify data capture in high speed systems Single multiplexed address input bus latches address inputs for both read and write ports Separate Port Selects fo ...