Lantronix - ETS16PS

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LANT IX ETS Installation Guide For ETS8PS ETS16PS ETS16PR and ETS32PR Multiport Device Servers Part Number 900 401 Revision A April 2005 Copyright and Trademark The information in this guide may change without notice The manufacturer assumes no responsibiiity for any errors which may appear in this guide AppleTalk Chooser and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer Corp LaserJet and Bitronics are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Centronics is a registered trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corp PostScript is a trademark of AdobeSystems Inc DEC and LAT are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation Ethernet is a trademark of XEROX Corporation NetWare is a trademark of Novell Corporation UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group Window ...