Drolet - DG05450

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Poele au gaz a evacuation directe ou B Vent Direct Vent or B Vent gas stove Liste appareil de chauffage Heater rated Systeme millivolt fonctionne sans electricite Millivolt system works ivithout electricity Buches a effet de braise Eealistic glowing log set Facile d entietien Easy maintenance STOVES amp FIREPLACES POELES amp FOYERS Fiche technique Tbchniccd data POELE SGS SGS STOVE 1 o j w ans Ce poele a gaz a ete verifie par Services d essais Intertek conformement aux normes canadiennes CGA 2 336 M99 et CGA 2 17 M91 et ameri caines ANSI Z21 886 1999 et UL307B 1995 Q i A HH 0years This gas stove was certified hy Intertek Testing Services according to CGA 2 336 M99 and CGA 2 T7 M91 ...